Weather at Carlyle Gardens Townsville

Weather at Carlyle Gardens Retirement Village, Townsville is something residents need to keep an eye on. After all, the resort bowling green is outdoors! Being between Ross River and Bohle Creek, there is an obvious potential flood risk at Carlyle Gardens during heavy rain in the wet season. As residents have only lived in the Carlyle Gardens Retirement Resort since around 1996, there may be relatively few really local weather, temperature, rainfall and flood statistics.

Weather Reports

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology does an excellent job with weather forecasts. However BOM instrument readings of temperatures and rainfall tend to be biased to airports and town centres. Newly established residential areas on the outskirts such as Carlyle Gardens Retirement Resort may have different local weather to large established city centres like Townsville. Different weather conditions particularly apply in areas with large hills to one side, like Carlyle Gardens Retirement Village.

Rainfall Affecting Carlyle Gardens

The Australian Weather Watch Radar Network gives the best immediate indicator of local rainfall.

Carlyle Gardens Retirement Village was part of Thuringowa before it merged with Townsville. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology have Rainfall Maps for the Townsville and Thuringowa Area, listing actual rainfall over various periods up to 24 hours. The rainfall stations of most interest to Carlyle Gardens Retirement Resort residents will probably be on the Bohle River, and to a lesser extent, on Ross River. You can also check Coastal Rivers - Townsville to Mackay Flood Information, which link to updated river height statistics for the Bohle and Ross River.

Bureau of Meteorology Current Tropical Cyclones page links to all Australian cyclone warnings. Warnings at Tropical Cyclone 3 Day Outlook for Queensland. You can arrange access to emergency warnings via email, your home phone, or your mobile phone.